Achievement Challenges: Hauora/Wellbeing

Achievement Target Two: 

Hauora – Barrier Free Access – Learner Support, Well Being

Aspiration Statement

Kāhui Ako ki Orewa we believe in providing an environment and culture for staff, students and whanau where wellbeing is central and learning is accessible.

Strategic Initiatives 

  • Explore the hāuora opportunities, services and approaches that we have and are available to us.
  •  Review and share best practice, including initiatives related to teacher and student wellbeing.



Well being is vital for student success and strongly linked to learning in NZ. The interaction of the environment and culture/climate in schools contribute to the wellbeing (or lack) of staff and students.  

The Kahui Ako ki Orewa community is investigating, and investing in the level of hāuora amongst our staff, learners, and whanau. Our belief is that lower than optimal hāuora impacts negatively on the progress, learning and achievement for our learners.

We are searching for opportunities to identify successful current practice in our Kahui Ako, ways to lift hauora and ways to share strategies across kura.

We want to investigate and invest in:


  • wellbeing 
  • How it reflects on students. 
  • Community expectations are high in both learning and growing wellbeing. 
  • Workload / support

There is a need for:

  • visual support processes
  • Culture of neutrality, normality and availability of support
  • Structured, “go to”systems
  • Links to available resources in our community.

We want to investigate and invest in:


  • If students’ emotional intelligence is low returning from lockdowns
  • Anxiety, eating disorders, aggression, self harm and other mental health concerns are on the rise (NZ Mental Health Dep Min of Education)
  • There is an observed pattern of low resilience and high entitlement in our students (increasingly) (LS Hui, NZMental Health, Research)

There is a need for investment in:

  • Increased initiatives and interventions
  • Explicit teaching of resilience and emotional intelligence language
  • Collaboration and partnership of strategies and programmes
  • Continuance of Learner Support register and associated initiatives e.g PD, Panel meetings, Learner Support Team Hui (MoE, RTLB, SENCo)

Our next step is to take a baseline measure of well being (Staff first) that will allow us to analyse with greater certainty what aspects of hāuora should best be focussed on  for improvement and therefore, advance our strategic initiatives.

The following step is to research, create and survey students on wellbeing and support systems in our schools.


Staff Wellbeing Survey

Student Survey 

Orewa College Y7-13 Survey

Staff Survey (all Kura)

Learner Support Register top needs 

Referral data


  • Building culture of wellbeing-hauora as a normalised, everyday practise
  • Working alongside each kura to identify/create/modify/improve systems for staff wellbeing (create clear flow chart/links/resourcing of support)
  • Everyday culture and practise of hauora/wellbeing for students, including:
    •  resources, language, connections, normalisation
    • Topics include: resilience, skills, strategies, tools, relationships, who can help?

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Stronger together

Supporting and Empowering all tamariki and Kaiako to learn and achieve personal excellence/hiranga.
