#5 Newsletter 2024

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Rāmere, te 16 o te Mei 2024

Orewarewa whenua, puāwai māhuri

On the fertile ground of Orewa, the sapling blooms

Competition – Each week we will have a competition. One lucky winner will receive a $20 Millie’s Coffee voucher! It’s simple, just email your answer to [email protected]

Congratulations to   Asher Akroyd     this week’s winner! 

This Week’s Question/Pātai o te Wiki: What does the kīwaha/colloquium 

“Kōrero mai anō” translate to? 


Submit your feedback about our Kāhui Ako ki Orewa Newsletter. Click on the link below to submit your feedback.

Kāhui Ako Newsletter Feedback

Have something to share? Get in contact with one of our Across School Leaders – we would love to hear from you!

[email protected] Te Ao Māori

[email protected] Hauora

[email protected] Future Ready

[email protected] 21st Century Learning

[email protected] Structured Literacy






Kāhui Ako ki Orewa is excited to announce that we will be holding a pōhiri for all of our staff who have never been to Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Marae before. Te Herenga Waka o Orewa is a unique community marae, that provides a space for Māori who live far from their own marae and all people to participate in Te Ao Māori here on the Hibiscus Coast.

You are welcome to attend no matter how long you have worked in the area. If you have never been to our marae then this is for you.

View Invitation 

The event will be held Thursday 30 May at 3:45pm. There will be light refreshments as part of the process so if you have any dietary requirements, please indicate when completing the registration form.


Canva Cheatsheet

Some amazing kaiako out there have created a Canva cheat sheet and shared this with the whole teaching community. Check out the link to find quick links to everything you may want to use in Canva!


Do you wish to start the day with a mind blowing mini lesson to inspire students and kep them motivated and wanting to learn?

Do you want your students excited about coming to school each day?  Then check out Grej (said grey) of the day!


Grej of the Day – GOTD is a multi-awarded teaching concept. (“Grej” the Swedish word for “one thing” = one thing every day).

It’s a movement that first started in Sweden in 2017  and is now being introduced in many NZ schools. They can be adapted and done at any level.

Give the students a clue the day before, a teaser. The brain loves teasers. The students love the clues. The parents love the clues. During your short GOTD microlesson of 7 -10 minutes you present at least one jaw-dropping wow-fact. The students can take a few notes after the presentation if you wish, depending on their age. Later that day they will retell what they have learned for someone at home.

Give it a try! 

Use this link to explore some awesome Grej that are already made for you!

100 Grej of the day

Encourage excitement, promote oral language and dialogue and keep those minds inquiring! 



Only two weeks away. Get your resource packs and activity ideas now.

For more information about Pink Shirt Day and to download the FREE resources, head to www.pinkshirtday.org.nz



Silverdale Community Trust is one of the many organisations that are members of the HBC Youth Hauora Network.  They offer amazing, life-changing courses.  Empowered parents with self-belief can raise amazing children who are well-rounded, positive and believe in themselves. Register for this 4-week course.  See the flyer below for registration details and dates.



Intervention For Our Older Struggling Readers

This is a challenge facing all schools and one that we are all trying to find the perfect answer to. It is essential to intervene with older struggling readers. We just have to do so knowing what we are up against, and shouldn’t underestimate the amount of time it will take.

Struggling older readers may need 60-90 minutes of reading intervention every day! Most schools aren’t organised or resourced to provide this. We need to strive to find ways to get as close to this as possible and having a robust tiered approach to literacy in our schools can help to achieve the best outcomes for these priority learners.

Struggling readers have missed out on hours of time and practice in text that limits their vocabulary, fluency, content knowledge, and reading comprehension. That lack of fluency sends them into the downward spiral depicted in the graphic below.




It’s often said, its not that the older struggling readers can’t catch up, it’s that schools are not organised to make it happen. 

There is no easy answer to this but it’s something we must continue to focus on and look for ways that we can serve these students.

Many schools have purchased and are using decodable texts designed specifically for older students that teach the same skills and use a scope and sequence but they are presented with themes, layout and content more suited to older students. Check out these ones available from Smartkids. 

Catch up Decodables for Older Readers



Kōrero mai anō

Core-rdeh-rdor my ah-nor

Say it again, can you repeat that


Kupu breakdown:

Kōrero = Speak

Mai = To/wards me

Anō = Again

Kāhui Ako Hui Dates – Term 2 2024


Thursday 23rd May – ASL @ Ahutoetoe School – WSL @ Orewa College 3.30pm


Thursday 30th May – New Staff Pōhiri @ Te Herenga Waka o Orewa 3.45-5pm

Friday 31st May – Kāhui Ako Mini-Conference @ Orewa College 1pm

Thursday 6th June – ASL @ Orewa College – WSL @ Orewa College 3.30pm


Thursday 20th June – ASL @ Orewa Primary School – WSL @ Orewa College 3.30pm

Keep in touch!

Enter your email address below to join our mailing list

Stronger together

Supporting and Empowering all tamariki and Kaiako to learn and achieve personal excellence/hiranga.
