#7 Newsletter 2023

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Rāmere, te 16 o te Hune 2023

Orewarewa whenua, puāwai māhuri

On the fertile ground of Orewa, the sapling blooms

Competition – Each week we will have a competition. One lucky winner will receive a $20 Millie’s Coffee voucher! It’s simple, just email your answer to [email protected]

Congratulations to Sarah Betts  this week’s winner! 

This Week’s Question/Pātai o te Wiki: What does the kīwaha/colloquium

“Mānawatia a Matariki” translate to? 

Have something to share? Get in contact with one of our Across School Leaders – we would love to hear from you!

[email protected] Te ao Māori

[email protected] Hauora

[email protected] Future Ready

[email protected] 21st Century Learning

Hamish Brewer

Principals, senior leadership and kaiako were incredibly fortunate to be Hamish Brewer’s first NZ audience at our Orewa Kāhui Ako conference on June 2nd. His pure energy and enthusiasm kept us all motivated. From dancing, mixed tapes and memorabilia from our childhood, who could not stay captivated. However there were also incredibly serious messages that Hamish was trying to get out to us. Some takeouts are as follows. Preparing our students with the learning that matters. Is what we are doing in class preparing our tamariki for life? We don’t want our students to just regurgitate knowledge, we need them using this knowledge to create, to reason and to problem solve. Change student’s lives with literacy. Make literacy the centre of everything. Hamish talked about the ‘Power of the pen’. Immerse our students in books and text – yes real ones they can touch, feel and take home. Get books into their homes. Chase 100. Aim high! Not for 80 or 90 % pass rates. But for every student to achieve and pass. Celebrate those achievements! Be visible. When you look in the mirror, what’s the legacy you see? Leave your school/kids/community better than you found it. When a student sees you coming, do they say, “ Is that a teacher who loves me?” Make love the centre of what you do. Don’t be afraid to tell children and people you love them. Find your tribe and have kids find theirs. Who builds you up?
Our students are a mixed tape. Ask them what they want you as an educator to know about them? They all come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. When things don’t go to plan, think about what they’ve been through, and why they are responding that way. Our children need to be heard, loved and valued for who they are.
Ensure our schools are fun! Fun is free! Remind our students to not look left or right. Be them. Don’t wait for permission to live life.
  1. Choose your attitude
  2.  Play  (have fun)
  3.  Make someone’s day
These are free! Have an inspirational environment. This may not necessarily be spray painting the school or skateboarding through the playground,  but consider what will get their attention and keep it.
Trauma You can’t discipline trauma. Student behaviour is only one indication of what is happening in a child’s life. Their behaviour is layered, it’s emotional, it’s based on their experiences, it’s reactionary.  Student’s often only show us what they want to show us. Strategies to help with Student Discipline
  • Be present
  • Be available
  • Listen
  • Love
  • Respond
  • Provide options
  • Provide strategies
  • Provide opportunities
Hamish Brewer was a young kiwi kid who lived in a garage with a leaky roof. He grew up in a dysfunctional family, surrounded by poverty. That kid has grown into a renowned speaker and award winning author. His biggest legacy however is empowering students living in some of the toughest areas to believe in themselves and to know they are loved so they can envision and create a better future.  How privileged were we to have firstly this keynote speaker who genuinely loves making a difference in education and makes us all as educators feel valued ! There are now conversations to be had in every school. Hamish Brewer is relentless, can we be too, as we advocate for our tamariki? 

Local Matariki Celebration 

Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Public Announcement

Tēnā koutou, Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Marae warmly invites the Hibiscus Coast community to join us for our annual Matariki Ahunga Nui ceremony, which will take place at Orewa Beach (in front of the surf club) on Matariki public holiday, Friday 14th at 6am. Join us for a special event to celebrate the rising of the Matariki star cluster and the start of the Māori new year. During the ceremony, we will honour our loved ones who have passed and share mātauranga Māori, including knowledge about the Matariki star cluster and its cultural significance. This gathering will provide a dedicated moment for reflection and remembrance, where we will collectively name and pay tribute to those who have left us throughout the year. Should you desire, we warmly encourage you to bring a cherished photograph of your departed loved one to accompany you.  This event is being held outside the Orewa Surf Lifesaving Club rain or shine and will start promptly at 6am. We recommend that you wear warm clothes and bring rain gear and a seat if you wish to be comfortable. We will provide a sausage sizzle, hot drinks, and soup. For catering purposes, if you are interested in attending the event please use this link to register: Matariki Registration Form If you would like to promote the event at your workplace feel free to print our poster using this link

Matariki Hoodies and T-shirts:  Matariki Ahunga Nui T-shirts and Hoodies are available but tomorrow, Saturday 17 June / Hatarei te 17 o Hune is the final day so get in quickly.

Click on the link to place your order.

Poraka (Hoodie)$60

T-hāte (t-shirt) $30

Collection from marae, or shipping available for an extra fee


Ngā mihi, Amanda McGlashan | Kaitakawaenga Te Herenga Waka | ( |+64 9 427 8958 | * | [email protected]

Digital Kete – Matariki Resources

Digital Kete have  been working on a range of free and payed resources for Matariki. Check them out resources here: https://www.digitalkete.co.nz/matariki
Interested in celebrating Matariki and captivating your students with interactive game-based learning? If so, join our live Exploring Matariki With Minecraft Education webinar this afternoon (or next week). The goal of this webinar is to… …Dive Into A Guided Minecraft Education World Specifically Designed With Build Challenges For Exploring The Origins And Stories Of Matariki. Finish the training with a kete of lesson ideas to continue in your learning spaces and inspire your students. When: Date & Time: 15 June, 4 pm – 5 pm | OR 22 June, 5 pm to 6 pm Venue: UTB Virtual Classroom Host: Rachel Lelieveld & Kelly Kenyon

Register Here

Digital Learning Hub

Computational Thinking Digital Progressions

Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes Digital Progressions

Mānawatia a MatarikiMaar-nah-wah-tee-ahhh Matariki

Not a kīwaha but a salutation or greeting to honour and welcome Matariki 

Used as a way to say “Happy Matariki!”

Note: In Te Reo Māori, when a word/kupu ends in a vowel and the next word/kupu starts with a vowel, you blend the two into one word/kupu e.g. you say

Mānawatiaaa Matariki 

Matariki and Hauora Wellbeing

Matariki is a time to reflect, gather and examine ways we can look after ourselves as a whanau group. This interview with Pio Terei dives into ways in which Te Whare Tapa Wha is relevant and how it can be used to help us build and maintain hauora /well being.

Watch here : link


Kāhui Ako Hui Dates – Term 2 2023

22nd June/Hune – Orewa College – ASL – WSL – meet at Orewa College 3.30pm 11th – 17th June/Hune  – Matariki 2023 (14th Hune Public Holiday)

Keep in touch!

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Stronger together

Supporting and Empowering all tamariki and Kaiako to learn and achieve personal excellence/hiranga.
