Wenerei, te 25 o te Oketopa 2023
Orewarewa whenua, puāwai māhuri
On the fertile ground of Orewa, the sapling blooms
Competition – Each week we will have a competition. One lucky winner will receive a $20 Millie’s Coffee voucher!
It’s simple, just email your answer to [email protected]
Congratulations to Rhonda Blair this week’s winner!
This Week’s Question/Pātai o te Wiki: What does the kīwaha/colloquium
“E poko” translate to?
Have something to share? Get in contact with one of our Across School Leaders – we would love to hear from you!
[email protected] Te ao Māori
[email protected] Hauora
[email protected] Future Ready
[email protected] 21st Century Learning
Kia pai te raumati! How to make your summer ka rawe
A Spin-off Article from 2022 that seems even more relevant now than it did last year.
After last summer’s continuous storms and what feels like a very long a exhausting winter stuck in classrooms at lunchtime, we thought this article was well worth a second visit.
Written by Alice Webb-Liddall and illustrated by the now ‘World Famous in NZ’ Toby Morris to mark a collaboration between L&P and Ira (Māori design agency), Alica and Toby give a range of ‘connecting’ strategies to lift your mood and make the most of the sunshine to come. They tie it together with te Ao Māori, whakataukī (Proverbs) and useful Māori phrases and kupu/words that can be used in Summery contexts.
All things that Toby Morris touches turn to gold and this is no exception so well worth a read. The truth is, we never had a Summer so with a positive forecast, this may help us actually make the most of it, albeit a year too late.
Connecting to Link below:
Google Classroom Update – Youtube Questions
Google have just launched a new feature on Google Classroom. You can now create an assignment using a YouTube video with questions. Previously you could only add Youtube content. Now, with the update you have the option to adding in either multi-choice, pick box or short answer questions. Check out the how to video below.
Eric Curts has released his latest blog post for Halloween. He has four fun engaging activities for students with a digital element. His passion for engaging students in digital learning is the foundation of everything he believes. Check out the full blog post here. Below are two of my favourites!
Creative Writing
Halloween Drag and Drop Poetry with Google Drawings
Google Educator Conference
The Google Educator Conference is designed for DT Teacher. The purpose of this conference is to upskill all educators by presenting ideas to engage students with new technologies. Teachers will be equipped with the ability total into the creativity and enthusiasm that many students have for technology.
E poko! Bugger/dang!
Eh por-cor
One that you could use on the daily.
Whaea Jackie: I lost my rorohiko!
Whaea Cerys: E poko! Dang!
Digging into The New Zealand Mental Health Education document continued.
Watch the Mana Model here (scroll down to the video)
The World of Neurodiversity – check out this podcast!
I hope you all had a relaxing and very well deserved break.
During the school holidays I discovered a pod cast called “ No Such Thing as Normal” hosted by Sonia Gray. It was the perfect thing to listen to while going for walks, informative but it also challenging in that it had me reflecting upon my own teaching practices with neurodiverse students.
At least one in five New Zealanders are classed as neurodivergent, a label that covers conditions such as ADHD, autism and dyslexia.
Neurodivergent people – no matter what their specific diagnosis is – have brains that operate in a different way than neurotypical people. The other complication of a diagnosis is there’s usually going to be more than one. Co-occurring conditions are the exception, rather than the norm. This podcast discusses the challenges that tamariki and their whanau face and how as schools and individual teachers we can make such a difference.
In the refreshed curriculum, Mātainuku, as part of the curriculum framework, talks about recognising the strengths, interests and potential of all ākonga. I certainly gained new understanding and empathy towards neuro diversity and ideas to adapt my teaching practice on a practical level.
Tom is a year 13 students who speaks of his challenges at school in the podcast.
“My superpower is my energy and enthusiasm,” says Tom, a Year 13 student at Taradale High School.
When Tom was five, he was diagnosed with ADHD. He remembers always having lots of energy although, he says, this wasn’t always channelled in a positive way in his education journey.
“I remember one situation led to my teacher getting a Vivid marker and drawing an X on the carpet, where I was confined to sitting and staying.
“This made me feel alienated and different to everyone else, and this is the worst thing for a neurodiverse student.”
However, Tom also speaks about better experiences in the classroom, including with a teacher who is helping him unlock his potential and channel his ADHD into something positive.
The series is inspired by Gray’s own experiences as the parent of a neurodivergent child and Sonia herself has ADHD, a diagnosis she got only after going through the process with her daughter. On the podcast she talks with experts and people with lived experience to better understand, support and celebrate those whose brains are wired differently.
No Such thing as Normal is a 10-part NZ Herald podcast with broadcaster Sonia Gray, which explores how we can do better.
No Such Thing as Normal can be found on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify.
Kāhui Ako Hui Dates – Term 4 2023
2nd November – ASL – Dairy Flat @ 10am – WSL – Orewa College @ 3.30pm
16th November – ASL – Orewa Beach @ 10am – WSL – Orewa College @ 3.30pm
30th November – ASL – Orewa Primary @ 10am – WSL – Orewa College @ 3.30pm
7th December – ASL – Orewa College @ 10am – WSL – Orewa College @ 3.30pm