#1 Newsletter 2024

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Rāmere, te 16 o te Pepuere 2024
Orewarewa whenua, puāwai māhuri
On the fertile ground of Orewa, the sapling blooms


Competition – Each week we will have a competition. One lucky winner will receive a $20 Millie’s Coffee voucher! It’s simple, just email your answer to [email protected]

Congratulations to     Sheryl Lopes    this week’s winner! 

This Week’s Question/Pātai o te Wiki: 

Who are the ihu one?


Have something to share? Get in contact with one of our Across School Leaders – we would love to hear from you!

[email protected] Te ao Māori

[email protected] Hauora

[email protected] Future Ready

[email protected] 21st Century Learning

[email protected] Literacy



Nau mai hoki mai ki ngā kaiako o te Kāhui Ako ki Orewa,

We warmly welcome everyone to 2024 and our Kāhui Ako ki Orewa update newsletter!

We are pleased to continue our Kāhui Ako with a focus on our achievement challenges, collaboration of kaiako and our across schools networking. One of the most valuable parts of our Kāhui Ako is the opportunity to be part of a community of learners, making a difference for our tamariki!

We hope everyone has had a good start to the year, enjoyed time with family and friends, the wonderful sunshine and the beach. 

This week we had our first meetings and this was a great opportunity to welcome our new Across School Leader Madeline Lockie from Orewa Beach School. Madeline will be leading our new focus area – Literacy. The Literacy focus will look at a tiered approach to literacy and structured literacy within our schools. She will explore best practices, and work to develop teacher capacity and strength in these areas. Madeleine will work alongside kaiako and kura to develop programmes and support understanding and skills in these areas.

Special welcome to new Within School Leaders (WSL’s); Trevor Reubens (Orewa College), Nicola Ward Able (Orewa College), Leonie Hall (Orewa Beach School).

We have planned a mid year mini conference for us all to be a part of on Friday 31st May. Theme and speaker to be confirmed, once again we will all come together as a whole Kāhui Ako which is always exciting!

We look forward to being in your schools/kura and meeting you all!

Ngā mihi nui Gillian Bray & Cameron Lockie 

Co leaders Kāhui Ako ki Orewa.


Kia ora tātou, 


I am the new Across School Leader focusing on Structured Literacy, in a new position allocated to Kāhui Ako ki Orewa.

My name is Madeleine Lockie and I lead the Year 3 team and teach a Year 3 class at Orewa Beach School. 

I have previously worked with the Kāhui Ako ki Orewa as a Within School Leader on the, then, writing focus team. 

Literacy is a passion of mine and I am particularly excited about Structured Literacy! I am looking forward to working with all our kura to further all of our journeys in this area.

I aim to find the expertise and facilitate our schools to work together to share, learn and grow to maximise our strength collectively.

Structured Literacy stems from the Science of Reading which is a vast, interdisciplinary body of scientifically-based research about reading and issues related to reading and writing. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to utilise this knowledge in our schools to maximise outcomes for our akonga, especially those who struggle with literacy. 

Structured Literacy is a huge shift in education both here in New Zealand and globally and presents challenges for teachers and schools as we make pedagogical shifts. I aim to support and find solutions as well as seek opportunities to meet these challenges head-on.

I look forward to working with many of you harnessing your collective knowledge to move all of our schools, teachers and students forward.

Madeleine Lockie



Google PD – with Steve Smith

On Thursday, January 25th kaiako from across our Kāhui Ako attended a day of Google PD at Silverdale School. We had a fantastic turnout and at least one person from each kura attended. The day was focused on the use of Google tools for the classroom and the use of AI to work smarter, not harder. Steve even brought some awesome Google swag that was won across the day, congratulations to our winners! 

The Future Ready team, will be looking at having a follow-up Google PD later in the year and focus on enhancing learning for our tamariki through the use of digital tools. Keep a look out in our Newsletter for more information or email [email protected] if you have any questions.

Resources from the day can be found here.

Stay up to date

Google for Education youtube – bit.ly/gfeyt

Workspace update blog – bit.ly/gfe-wub

Google release page – bit.ly/gfe-wnub

AuNZ Webinar series – bit.ly/aunz_webinars & bit.ly/LWG24nz

GeG NZ group on facebook – bit.ly/nzgegfb




Kia ora 

Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas and holiday.

This will again be a busy year as we get to grips with the changes in the curriculum. Next year, 2025, is when schools need to be using the refreshed Maths/Statistics and English curriculums so this year our 21st Century Learning Team will look at unpacking those and giving clarity around the changes.

English Refreshed Curriculum

Refreshed Maths and Statistics curriculum

The website NZ Maths will shortly be shutting down and the content will move to the new online curriculum hub Tāhūrangi.

Additional teaching materials, including the majority of the Pāngarau resources that support Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, will also be moved to Tāhūrangi.

Access to e-ako maths and e-ako Pāngarau will continue while this is moved ]but the process for accessing these tools will change. 

The amazing maths gurus Jo Knox and Marie Hirst have listened to teacher feedback who have found the new site hard to navigate and to save teachers time they have put together this compilation of downloaded resources. Link to NZ Maths Resources



E ngā ihu one, 

( Ihu one – Kiwaha 1- To the people (Teachers) with the dirt on their noses, the hard workers)



Akoranga mō te kaupeka 1 – Term 1 Lessons

You are in luck. The mahi has been done, we have all that you need to teach your ākonga/students ‘te reo Māori me ōna tikanga’ effectively here in one place. All that you need is a willingness to take a risk and learn alongside your ākonga. 

Our Term 1 overview has lessons and teacher notes for kaiako to follow and cover a wide range of mātauranga Māori (knowledge) in a fun and engaging way. Please feel free to use and share with your colleagues.

This term is all about whakawhanaungātanga, getting to know each other in a deeper way and being able to communicate in te reo Māori in a formal in informal way.

Karawhiua! (Kiwaha 2 – Give it a go!)

Māori Lessons Overview Term 1 Kāhui Ako ki Orewa 2024


Remember to book a date with Harold!

Life Education Trust provides education sessions and curriculum support to students and teachers in Primary, Intermediate and Secondary schools. Get your bookings organised for this year and next year so you don’t miss out!

To find out more detailed information about what the Life Education Trust can offer for you and your tamariki, click on the link below. Once on the website, click on programmes – Healthy Harold Programmes and scroll down to a comprehensive list of sessions they offer.  There is also a tab for Teacher professional development.

Life Education Trust Caravan



Kāhui Ako Hui Dates – Term 1 2024


Thursday 29th February – ASL @ Wainui School – WSL @ Orewa College 3.30pm

Thursday 14th March – ASL @ Dairy Flat School – WSL @ Orewa College 3.30pm

Thursday 28th March – ASL @ Orewa Beach School – WSL @ Orewa College 3.30pm

Keep in touch!

Enter your email address below to join our mailing list

Stronger together

Supporting and Empowering all tamariki and Kaiako to learn and achieve personal excellence/hiranga.
