
Questions about Hauora Resouces?


We have collected a range of resources available for kaiako, tauira and whanau.

Aspiration Statement/Tauākī Wawata

Kāhui Ako ki Orewa we believe in providing an environment and culture for staff, students and whanau where wellbeing is central and learning is accessible.

Strategic Initiatives/Ngā Kaupapa Rautaki

  • Explore the hāuora opportunities, services and approaches that we have and are available to us.
  •  Review and share best practice, including initiatives related to teacher and student wellbeing.


Rationale/Te Take Why? He aha ai?

Well being is vital for student success and strongly linked to learning in NZ. The interaction of the environment and culture/climate in schools contribute to the wellbeing (or lack) of staff and students.  

The Kahui Ako ki Orewa community is investigating, and investing in the level of hāuora amongst our staff, learners, and whanau. Our belief is that lower than optimal hāuora impacts negatively on the progress, learning and achievement for our learners.

We are searching for opportunities to identify successful current practice in our Kahui Ako, ways to lift hauora and ways to share strategies across kura.

Across School Leaders


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Stronger together

Supporting and Empowering all tamariki and Kaiako to learn and achieve personal excellence/hiranga.
