Using the digital progressions which we had agreed upon, we collated a range of resources that would link to a specific progression. These resources came from a range of websites and locations. They are linked to a range of other curriculum areas Allowing kaiako to use these resources in a range of different lessons. We have aimed to include 4 lessons linked to each progression. In term 4 we began introducing the website as a resource to our kaiako. The Within School Leaders have led this within their schools.
Aspiration Statement/Tauākī Wawata
Kāhui Ako ki Orewa we believe in preparing students to be Future Ready through the integration of the digital curriculum and the development of 21st-century skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, innovation and technological fluency, in order to prepare ākonga for an ever-changing world.
Strategic Initiatives/Ngā Kaupapa Rautaki
- Establish learner-centred opportunities and workstreams/connections across Kahui Ako ki Orewa
- Support teachers’ integration of 21st Century skills through the use of digital tools and the digital technologies curriculum.
- Develop progressions for digital learning available to all kura within Kāhui Ako ki Orewa
Rationale/Te Take Why? He aha ai?
Why focus on Digital Curriculum?
Digital technologies are transforming our homes and our workplaces, changing the way we interact with each other and live our everyday lives. Our education system needs to grow and adapt to this technology. We are gaming how we equip our children and young people to participate, create, and thrive in a fast-evolving digital world. link
Kahui Ako ki Orewa believes that supporting students to be effective users and creators of digital technology will promote engagement and equity in outcomes for our students and help overcome the challenges of learning.
Why focus on integration of digital technologies?
The New Zealand Curriculum vision includes the aspiration that our young people “will seize the opportunities offered by new knowledge and technologies to secure a sustainable social, cultural, economic, and environmental future for our country” (Ministry of Education, 2007, page 8). The curriculum’s future focus principle (on page 9) recognises that young New Zealanders need the tools to understand and address a range of issues and concerns of global significance.
The goal of the digital curriculum is to ensure that all learners have the opportunity to become digitally capable individuals.
When technology integration in the classroom is seamless and thoughtful, students not only become more engaged, they begin to take more control over their own learning, too. Effective tech integration changes classroom dynamics, encouraging student-centred project-based learning. Full Article
Why focus on 21st Century Skills?
Why focus on 21st Century Skills? As David Parsons, Associate Professor at Massey University, states “…..we’ve got to try and equip them (students) with the thinking skills, with the ability to work in teams, with the ability to understand different points of view, to use every tool that they have available, to increase their power, to affect change in the world, hopefully for the better”. Therefore as a Kāhui Ako we believe in equipping our akonga with the skills required to collaborate, think critically, innovate and have technological fluency in order for them to contribute and engage in an ever changing world.